Products introduction:
Characters: Strong decoloring-ability, good adsorption, low free acid .
Usage: Broadly speaking, activated bleaching earth finds use in following fields:
1) Refining of Vegetable oils like:
Cottonseed, Soyabean, Sunflower, Rapeseed, Mustard, Peanut, Coconut, Corn,
Olive, Ricebran, Palm, Linseed, Castor, Tung oil and so on.
2) Refining of hydrogenated vanaspati ghee oils, Margarine & shortening
3) Refining of Animal Fats like tallow oil, fish oil, lard oil.
4) Refining of Mineral Oils like: paraffin and waxes,insulating oil, rolling oil, white oil , waste oil (lubricating oil), vaseline, olefin and so on.